In [1]:
%matplotlib inline

import itertools
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot
import numpy
import os
import pandas
import scipy.misc
import scipy.special
import scipy.stats
import seaborn

In [2]:
# colormap for data visualizations
cmap = seaborn.cubehelix_palette(n_colors = 20, start = 0.8, rot = 0.75,
                                gamma = 0.3, hue = 2.0, dark = 0.005,
                                light = 0.95, reverse = True, as_cmap = True)

The math for advisors is the same for poker hands. The advisor forum is five cards just like a poker hand.

In every game of SeaFall, some advisors will become substantially augmented by retired advisor stickers and owning one of these super-advisors can be game changing. Every game will lead to a different configuration of advisor upgrades, so the math presented here will treat the advisor deck as if no retired advisor stickers have been applied.

In [3]:
def advisor_forum_probabilities(bldr_num, xplr_num, mrch_num, sldr_num):
    Find the probability at least 1 guild "X" advisor is in the forum to start the game.
    The method returns a 4 element tuple with a probability for each guild.
    The 4 element tuple has the order (builders, explorers, merchants, soldiers).
    deck_size = bldr_num + xplr_num + mrch_num + sldr_num
    total_forum_hands = scipy.misc.comb(deck_size, 5)
    p_bldr = 1 - scipy.misc.comb(deck_size - bldr_num, 5) / total_forum_hands
    p_xplr = 1 - scipy.misc.comb(deck_size - xplr_num, 5) / total_forum_hands
    p_mrch = 1 - scipy.misc.comb(deck_size - mrch_num, 5) / total_forum_hands
    p_sldr = 1 - scipy.misc.comb(deck_size - sldr_num, 5) / total_forum_hands
    advisor_prob = (p_bldr, p_xplr, p_mrch, p_sldr)
    return advisor_prob

A table that enumerates the advisor deck and the guilds. The order of the Totals reflects the order that advisors were revealed in a single play through and will not reflect everyones experience.

Advisor Origin Builders Explorers Merchants (+sell) Soldiers Total
Starter 5 5 5 (3) 5 20
Total I 5 5 5 (3) 5 20
Dangerous Waters 3 5 2 (1) 6 16
Total II 8 10 7 (4) 11 36
Tombs 0 6 0 0 6
Total III 8 16 7 (4) 11 42
Colonies 6 0 10 (8) 0 16
Total IV 14 16 17 (12) 11 58

An Excel file in the SeaFall folder contains all the details for each advisor and can be used to generate the above table.

In [4]:
advisor_prob_I = advisor_forum_probabilities(5, 5, 5, 5)
advisor_prob_II = advisor_forum_probabilities(8, 10, 7, 11)
advisor_prob_III = advisor_forum_probabilities(8, 16, 7, 11)
(_,_,advisor_prob_IV_sell,_) = advisor_forum_probabilities(19, 16, 12, 11)
advisor_prob_IV = advisor_forum_probabilities(14, 16, 17, 11)

In [5]:

(0.80630804953560375, 0.80630804953560375, 0.80630804953560375, 0.80630804953560375)
(0.73930481283422456, 0.82551353874883282, 0.68499331550802145, 0.85906862745098045)
(0.6728970644246639, 0.92267253499602664, 0.61837990849544122, 0.80026167670583592)
(0.76298985010418763, 0.81435040055729713, 0.83645154334809502, 0.66523348601388532)

A look at Stage IV

At this point in the game, the deck of advisors is about size of a standard deck of playing cards.

The Guild Hall

The Guild Hall is a unique structure and enables a particularly powerful gameplay mechanic. When a strategy absolutely depends on a specific advisor, the Guild Hall is the solution to acquiring them. One only needs consider how much coin to budget to have a reasonable chance at finding the desired advisor. Again poker math comes into play...

In [6]:
df_advisor = pandas.read_excel("advisors.xlsx")
#df_advisor = pandas.read_csv("advisors_game08.txt", sep='\t')

In [7]:
# pandas indexing example
df_now = df_advisor.loc[(df_advisor["buy_goods"] >= 2) & (df_advisor["guild"].isin(["merchants"]))]

In [8]:
def advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size, suit_size, deck_size):
    Find the probability at least 1 desired "X" advisor is in the forum when the forum is refreshed by the Guild Hall.
    * hand_size = the number of cards drawn into the forum, e.g. 5
    * suit_size = the number of cards that satisfy a set of conditions, e.g. the number of merchants guild advisors.
    * deck_size = the number of cards in the advisor deck.
    Note the deck_size should reflect the number of unknown cards in the deck.
    if hand_size > deck_size:
        advisor_prob = 1.0
        return advisor_prob
    if suit_size > deck_size:
        advisor_prob = 1.0
        return advisor_prob
    if suit_size == 0:
        advisor_prob = 0.0
        return advisor_prob
    total_forum_hands = scipy.misc.comb(deck_size, hand_size)
    advisor_prob = 1 - scipy.misc.comb(deck_size - suit_size, hand_size) / total_forum_hands
    return advisor_prob

Most players will have reserved an advisor card from a previous game. However, given the variable number of players and a chance the winner of the prior game did not reserve and advisor, the deck_size will not be adjusted for these random variables, for the sake of simplicity. Therefore, the numbers in the chart below are approximations. On the whole, the numbers will be underestimates of the actual probability, unless the cards being reserved by the players are concentrated for a particular suit.

In [9]:
# Stage IV advisors
advisor_conditions = {"buy_goods >= 1" : 1,
                     "buy_goods >= 2" : 2,
                     "sell_goods >= 1" : 1,
                     "sell_goods >= 2" : 2,
                     "tax >= 1" : 1,
                     "raid >= 1" : 1,
                     "raid >= 2" : 2,
                     "raid >= 3" : 3,
                     "explore >= 1" : 1,
                     "explore >= 2" : 2,
                     "explore >= 3" : 3,
                     "research >= 1" : 1,
                     "upgrade <= -2" : -2,
                     "upgrade <= -4" : -4,
                     "build <= -2" : -2,
                     "build <= -4" : -4,
                     "any 1 card" : 0}

advisor_keys = ["buy_goods >= 1",
                "buy_goods >= 2",
                "sell_goods >= 1",
                "sell_goods >= 2",
                "tax >= 1",
                "raid >= 1",
                "raid >= 2",
                "raid >= 3",
                "explore >= 1",
                "explore >= 2",
                "explore >= 3",
                "research >= 1",
                "upgrade <= -2",
                "upgrade <= -4",
                "build <= -2",
                "build <= -4",
                "any 1 card"]

In [10]:
df_stage_4 = df_advisor.loc[(df_advisor["stage"] <= 4)]

deck_size = len(df_stage_4)

coin_range = numpy.arange(11)

hand_size = 5

probs_dict = {}

# "buy_goods >= 1"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["buy_goods"] >= 1)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["buy_goods >= 1"] = probs

# "buy_goods >= 2"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["buy_goods"] >= 2)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["buy_goods >= 2"] = probs

# "sell_goods >= 1"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["sell_goods"] >= 1)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["sell_goods >= 1"] = probs

# "sell_goods >= 2"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["sell_goods"] >= 2)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["sell_goods >= 2"] = probs

# "tax >= 1"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["tax"] >= 1)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["tax >= 1"] = probs

# "raid >= 1"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["raid"] >= 1)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["raid >= 1"] = probs

# "raid >= 2"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["raid"] >= 2)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["raid >= 2"] = probs

# "raid >= 3"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["raid"] >= 3)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["raid >= 3"] = probs

# "explore >= 1"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["explore"] >= 1)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["explore >= 1"] = probs

# "explore >= 2"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["explore"] >= 2)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["explore >= 2"] = probs

# "explore >= 3"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["explore"] >= 3)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["explore >= 3"] = probs

# "research >= 1"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["research"] >= 1)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["research >= 1"] = probs

# "upgrade <= -2"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["upgrade"] <= -2)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["upgrade <= -2"] = probs

# "upgrade <= -4"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["upgrade"] <= -4)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["upgrade <= -4"] = probs

# "build <= -2"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["build"] <= -2)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["build <= -2"] = probs

# "build <= -4"

suit_size = len(df_stage_4.loc[(df_stage_4["build"] <= -4)])

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["build <= -4"] = probs

# "any 1 card"

suit_size = 1

probs = []

for i in coin_range:
    probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(i+1), suit_size, deck_size))

probs_dict["any 1 card"] = probs

In [11]:
probs_df = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(probs_dict)
probs_df.index = coin_range

In [12]:
# Probability sanity check. These scenarios are the same...
# The probability of getting the desired card within the first 10 cards drawn
p1 = advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(10, 11, 58)
# The probability of drawing the card in the first 5 cards, OR
# The prob of not drawing the card in the first 5 AND the prob of drawing the card in the 2nd round of 5 cards
p2 = advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(5, 11, 58) + \
(1-advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(5, 11, 58))*advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(5, 11, 53)


The single card odds turn out to have a straightforward interpretation in terms of probability. The probability of drawing any single card from a deck can be thought of as flipping a weighted coin. The balance of the coin is the number of cards being drawn. At first I thought of the problem by drawing one card at a time. However, the math is trivial if the problem is about dividing the deck into two stacks. The first stack contains the number of cards to be drawn in total. Each card in the deck has an equal probability of being the one desired card. Then it is plain to see that the probability of the card being in the first stack is just the number of cards in the stack times the probability any given card is the desired card, which is 1 dividing by the number of cards in the deck. For example, if half the cards are drawn then there is a 50-50 chance that the desired card will be drawn, just like flipping a coin. Looking at the math, each additional card drawn contributes a fixed probability, 1/(the number of cards in the deck), to the chances of drawing that card in the first n cards.

In [13]:
# Probability sanity check. These scenarios are the same...
# Getting a single desired card in the first 55 cards drawn
p1 = advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(55, 1, 58)
# 1 minus NOT getting the single desired card 55 times in a row
p2 = 1-scipy.misc.factorial(57)/scipy.misc.factorial(2)/scipy.misc.factorial(58)*scipy.misc.factorial(3)


In [14]:
mask = probs_df.as_matrix()
mask = mask > .999 # I think a mask cleans up the chart. Few

In [15]:
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(12, 8))

ax = seaborn.heatmap(probs_df, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
                     cbar = False, mask = mask, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
                     fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0, 
    "Guild Hall Probabilities: Stage IV", 
ax.set_ylabel("Coin Spent", fontsize=24)
ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=12)
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=24)
matplotlib.pyplot.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=-55)
matplotlib.pyplot.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0)
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","guild_hall_probabilities_stage_iv.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)

In [16]:
df_stage_4 = df_advisor.loc[(df_advisor["stage"] <= 4)]

deck_size = len(df_stage_4)

coin_range = numpy.arange(11)

suit_range = numpy.arange(1,17)

hand_size = 5

probs_dict = {}

for i in suit_range:

    suit_size = i

    probs = []

    for j in coin_range:

        probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(j+1), suit_size, deck_size))

    probs_dict["{0}".format(suit_size)] = probs

probs_df = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(probs_dict)
probs_df.index = coin_range

# rearrange the columns to be in numerical order
mylist = numpy.char.mod('%d', suit_range)
probs_df = probs_df[mylist]

mask = probs_df.as_matrix()
mask = mask > .999 # I think a mask cleans up the chart. Few

In [17]:
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(12, 8))

ax = seaborn.heatmap(probs_df, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
                     cbar = False, mask = mask, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
                     fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0, 
    "Guild Hall Probabilities: Stage IV", 
ax.set_ylabel("coin spent", fontsize=24)
ax.set_xlabel("number of cards in a set", fontsize=24)
ax.xaxis.labelpad = 10
ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=12)
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=24)
matplotlib.pyplot.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=0)
matplotlib.pyplot.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0)
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","guild_hall_probabilities_stage_iv_null.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)

In [18]:
df_stage_6 = df_advisor.loc[(df_advisor["stage"] <= 6)]

deck_size = len(df_stage_6)

coin_range = numpy.arange(11)

suit_range = numpy.arange(1,17)

hand_size = 5

probs_dict = {}

for i in suit_range:

    suit_size = i

    probs = []

    for j in coin_range:

        probs.append(advisor_guild_hall_probabilities(hand_size*(j+1), suit_size, deck_size))

    probs_dict["{0}".format(suit_size)] = probs

probs_df = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(probs_dict)
probs_df.index = coin_range

# rearrange the columns to be in numerical order
mylist = numpy.char.mod('%d', suit_range)
probs_df = probs_df[mylist]

mask = probs_df.as_matrix()
mask = mask > .999 # I think a mask cleans up the chart. Few

In [19]:
seaborn.set(style = "white")
matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=(12, 8))

ax = seaborn.heatmap(probs_df, annot = True, cmap = cmap,
                     cbar = False, mask = mask, annot_kws = {"weight" : "extra bold"},
                     fmt = ".0%", linewidths = 2, vmin=0.0, 
    "Guild Hall Probabilities: Stage VI", 
ax.set_ylabel("coin spent", fontsize=24)
ax.set_xlabel("number of cards in a set", fontsize=24)
ax.xaxis.labelpad = 10
ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=12)
ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=24)
matplotlib.pyplot.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=0)
matplotlib.pyplot.setp(ax.get_yticklabels(), rotation=0)
fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig(os.path.join("charts","guild_hall_probabilities_stage_vi_null.svg"), format="svg", dpi=1200)

In [ ]: